Picture of Reactive Ion Etch (RIE)
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Instrument model:

Advanced Vacuum Vision 320 MK II

Technology Description:

The RIE is an isotropic and directional dry etching for SiO2, Si3N4, Si, graphene, and polymers. The reactive ion etcher produces a plasma from a process gas, typically oxygen or a fluorine bearing gas, using a high-frequency electric field at 13.56 MHz. A sample is placed in the plasma etcher, and a process gas is introduced at low pressure and excited into a plasma. Created ions are accelerated towards the wafers/samples surface where the material is removed selectively by ion impact and subsequent chemical reactions. The achievable etch rates vary from material to material for a given process and mask thicknesses should be adjusted to the desired etch depth.

Technical Information:


Substrate size: 12” Single wafer chamber, but smaller samples can be mounted on the sample holder.

Uniformity: < 5% on 101 mm (4'') in diameter wafer.

Available gases: 

  • Reactive ion etch: CF4, SF6, CHF3 and O2.
  • Plasma etch: Ar. 

Restrictions: No metal masks, no chlorine chemistry.


Tool name:
Reactive Ion Etch (RIE)
MiNaLab Clean Room
Dry etching
Advanced Vacuum
Vision 320 MK II
Tool rate:
  • SiO2/S1813 Low rate ~9.5 nm/min, Resist ~3 nm/min
  • SiO2/S1813 High rate ~28 nm/min, Resist ~18 nm/min
  • Si3N4/S1813 Low rate ~47 nm/min, Resist ~20 nm/min
  • Si3N4/S1813 High rate ~65 nm/min, Resist ~40 nm/min
  • SiC/ SiO2  ~55 nm/22 nm (/min), Resist ~140 nm/min


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