Technical Description:
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) capable of topography mapping with nanometer in-plane resolution and sub-nanometer height resolution Qualitative measurements of the local resistivity of (semi)conducting samples can be simultaneously obtained when operating the instrument in scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) mode. The applications of SSRM include the determination of dopant distributions and pn-junction delineation in semiconductor materials.
Measurement modes:
Atomic force microscopy (AFM).
Scanning spreading microscopy (SSRM).
Tunnelling Atomic Force Microscopy (TUNA) .
Technical Information:
Sample size: 150 mm diameter 12 mm thick
Stage movement x-y: 150 mm with 2 micron resolution
Video optics with zoom: 150-675 micron viewing area
Piezo scan head range: 90 micron x-y and 6 micron in z
Resolution: 16 bits DAC giving sub nanometer resolution
Measurement size: Max 512 x 512 samples/image
Mode: Contact and tapping mode AFM
Conductive AFM: Yes
AFM probe tip radius: <10 nm. Default probe (in the lab)for tapping mode HQ:NSC35/Al BS
SSRM probe tip radius: Pt/Ir probes with 200 nm tip radius.
Software: Prorieatity measurement software but “Gwyddion” is Free.