Picture of Stylus profilometer - SIMS room
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Material Class:

Textured surfaces

Technology Description:

Stylus profilometry performs 2D- and 3D-surface profile measurements to characterize film thickness, roughness, and stress on samples up to 200 mm (8 in.) in diameter. The operation of the profilometer is based on a sharp stylus that is scanned across a surface so that the surface topography of the sample is obtained. User-programmable stylus force allows profiling on hard and soft surfaces.

Technical Information:

Vertical range: 25 Å to 262 μm.

Vertical resolution: 1 Å max (at 6.55 μm range).

Scan length range: 50 μm to 50 mm.

Scan duration range: 3 s to 100 s.

Maximum sample thickness: 25.4 mm.

Maximum wafer size: 200 mm (diameter).

Maximum sample weight: 2.5 kg.

Stylus force: programmable, 1 mg - 15 mg.

Stylus options: Diamond-tipped, 12.5 μm radius (standard) and 5 μm radius (for scratch-free characterization of delicate sample, e.g., Au or oxide films).

Software: Vision ® 32 3D analysis package; D8-STRESS software. 


Tool name:
Stylus profilometer - SIMS room
MiNaLab SIMS-room
Dektak 8
Tool rate:


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